Shadows, Scott Boerma

Shadows, Scott Boerma

Musiknoten Shadows, Scott Boerma
Bestellnummer: 412084  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 3 - Mittelschwer  
Dauer: 5:51 Minuten  
*Preis: 91,20 €
Lieferzeit: 2 - 10 Tage Portofrei (Inland)   
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Shadows, Scott Boerma - Blasorchester
Written in memory of a prominent band director who touched the lives of so many, Shadows is an extremely emotional and passionate piece by composer Scott Boerma. It demonstrates Scott's heartfelt thoughts of admiration and sincerity through this gorgeous piece of music. We are proud to offer such a contemplative work and to have him in the Carl Fischer Music catalog for the first time. We hope to offer more of Scott's beautiful music in the near future.

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