The Court Jester - Overture, Kevin Kaisershot

The Court Jester - Overture, Kevin Kaisershot

Musiknoten The Court Jester  - Overture, Kevin Kaisershot
Bestellnummer: 342099  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 1 - Sehr leicht  
Dauer: 4:00 Minuten  
*Preis: 62,57 €
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Tage Portofrei (Inland)   
Genre: Ouvertüre  
Anhören:    mp3 per eMail:


The history of the court jester is quite diverse depending on the country. They were either employed to entertain nobility or as an itinerant performer they would entertain common folk at such venues as fairs or markets. Their skills would include such things as songs, music, storytelling, acrobatics, juggling and / or magic. This composition hopes to portray this whimsical entertainer by way of a light and buoyant set of melodic lines and rhythmic energy.

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