Living Doll, Lionel Bart / Idar Torskangerpoll

Living Doll, Lionel Bart / Idar Torskangerpoll

Musiknoten Living Doll, Lionel Bart / Idar Torskangerpoll
Bestellnummer: 334693  
Kategorie:: Ensemble  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 2 - Leicht  
Dauer: 02:37 Minuten  
*Preis: 47,08 €
Lieferzeit: 2 - 12 Tage
Genre: Flex-Band  
Aufnahme auf CD: Reet Petite  
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Living Doll, Lionel Bart / Idar Torskangerpoll - Ensemble
Living Doll by Lionel Bart is made famous because of two recordingss by British singer Cliff Richard. The first one from 1959 backed by "The Shadows" (at that time still named "The Drifters"), and again in 1986 with "The Young Ones". Both versions became hugh successes, reaching more than 1,6 mill sold copies worldwide of each of the single records. The mid-tempo swing-style of the song fits perfectly into our Flex 5 ShowBlow series.

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