Cut to the Chase, By Todd Stalter

Cut to the Chase, By Todd Stalter

Musiknoten Cut to the Chase, By Todd Stalter
Bestellnummer: 310037  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 2 - Leicht  
*Preis: 61,00 €
Lieferzeit: 4 - 6 Tage Portofrei (Inland)   
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Cut to the Chase, By Todd Stalter - Blasorchester
2:25 min
In popular jargon, the phrase "cut to the chase" means to get to the really interesting or important point, and leave out all that is unnecessary. It originated from early cinematic lore when silent films were full of romantic storylines that inevitably led to much more exciting and memorable chase sequences. In this work, the melodic fragments are tossed around the band to give the impression that everyone is being chased or chasing something. To pay homage to the phrase’s past, the frantic atmosphere stops for an obligatory inclusion of a slow, romantic chord progression with a soaring melody, and then the chase resumes, building to a rousing conclusion.

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