Daydreaming, By Gary Fagan

Daydreaming, By Gary Fagan

Musiknoten Daydreaming, By Gary Fagan
Bestellnummer: 310117  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 1 - Sehr leicht  
*Preis: 53,00 €
Lieferzeit: 4 - 6 Tage Portofrei (Inland)   
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Daydreaming, By Gary Fagan - Blasorchester
2:15 min
"Daydreaming" is a short, lighthearted tone poem with a very simple lyrical quality reflecting a behavior most of us exhibit from time to time. The melodic theme occurred to the composer as he was sitting in his studio looking out the window and doing what the title suggests he was doing.

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