Four Chants about Saint Stephen the King, Janos Galli - Nicht mehr lieferbar

Four Chants about Saint Stephen the King, Janos Galli - Nicht mehr lieferbar

Musiknoten Four Chants about Saint Stephen the King, Janos Galli - Nicht mehr lieferbar
Bestellnummer: 311563  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 3 - Mittelschwer  
Dauer: 6:00 Minuten  
*Preis: 81,95 €

Four Chants about Saint Stephen the King, Janos Galli - Nicht mehr lieferbar - Blasorchester
János Galli (1921-2006) was a conductor, composer, music teacher, and a well-known and highly respected personality in Hungarian wind music life. The most important of his works are his series of marches, folksong arrangements and church music. He was excellent at instrumentation, and for its fine sound and easy playability we recommend to young bands and their conductors this work of his composed in memory of the king who founded the Hungarian state.

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