Everest: The Forbidden Journey, Rob Romeyn

Everest: The Forbidden Journey, Rob Romeyn

Musiknoten Everest: The Forbidden Journey, Rob Romeyn
Bestellnummer: 314248  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 3 - Mittelschwer  
*Preis: 95,00 €
Lieferzeit: 2 - 14 Tage Portofrei (Inland)   
Aufnahme auf CD: The Road Less Traveled  
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Everest: The Forbidden Journey, Rob Romeyn - Blasorchester
Mt Everest has attracted the most adventurous of mountain climbers for decades, with many meeting their fate in the attempt to scale the world's highest mountain. The legend of the Yeti has tales of the wild, hairy creatures serving as protectors of Everest and it's villages. The music begins boldly, depicting the majestic sight of this magnificent mountain as our journey begins. The music develops as our journey progresses, telling an eventful and tumultuous tale reaching a stunning climax as the apex of the mountain is reached. From here, the work subsides as the breathtaking vistas unfold in the beautiful, lyric sounds before building to a stunning conclusion of majesty and grandeur. A truly outstanding work, "Everest: The Forbidden Journey" is destined to become a classic for concert and festival use. Don't miss this epic musical adventure!

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