Royal Air Force March Past, Walford Davies - Nicht mehr lieferbar

Royal Air Force March Past, Walford Davies - Nicht mehr lieferbar

Musiknoten Royal Air Force March Past, Walford Davies - Nicht mehr lieferbar
Bestellnummer: 320043  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 3 - Mittelschwer  
*Preis: 40,60 €
Genre: Marsch  
Anhören:    mp3 per eMail:

Royal Air Force March Past, Walford Davies - Blasorchester
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The "Royal Air Force March Past" is the official march of the RAF and is used in some other Commonwealth air forces.The original score was completed by Sir Walford Davies in 1918 for the new RAF; it combined the rhythm of the bugle call of the Royal Flying Corps with that of the Royal Naval Air Service. The call appears in both the introduction and the coda. The second part of the march past, the trio, was composed by Sir George Dyson. The march can be played both as a slow and a quick march.

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