St. Thomas, Sonny Rollins/Michael Philip Mossman - Big Band

St. Thomas, Sonny Rollins/Michael Philip Mossman - Big Band

Musiknoten St. Thomas, Sonny Rollins/Michael Philip Mossman - Big Band
Bestellnummer: 322612  
Kategorie:: Big Band  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 5 - Sehr schwer  
*Preis: 72,80 €
Lieferzeit: 10 - 14 Tage
Genre: Jazz - Swing - Dixi  
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St. Thomas, Sonny Rollins/Michael Philip Mossman - Big Band
One of the most familiar Latin standards is given a complete facelift by Michael Mossman in this creative and impressive sounding arrangement. You'll find harmonic wrinkles and rhythmic twists and turns amidst some really hot ensemble writing. A variety of solo opportunities are also provided.

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