Plunger Mute SyndromeTrombone Feature, John Clayton - Big Band

Plunger Mute SyndromeTrombone Feature, John Clayton - Big Band

Musiknoten Plunger Mute SyndromeTrombone Feature, John Clayton - Big Band
Bestellnummer: 322660  
Kategorie:: Big Band  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 5 - Sehr schwer  
*Preis: 72,80 €
Lieferzeit: 1 - 2 Tage
Genre: Jazz - Swing - Dixi  
Anhören:    mp3 per eMail:

Plunger Mute SyndromeTrombone Feature, John Clayton - Big Band
Trombone Feature
As the title aptly describes here is a solo vehicle for a plunger-wielding trombonist. With a bluesy style and a sultry tempo, here's a great opportunity for your soloist to pour his/her heart and soul into a performance. Recorded by the Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra on Shout Me Out.

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