Mood Indigo, Duke Ellington/John Clayton - Big Band

Mood Indigo, Duke Ellington/John Clayton - Big Band

Musiknoten Mood Indigo, Duke Ellington/John Clayton - Big Band
Bestellnummer: 322723  
Kategorie:: Big Band  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 5 - Sehr schwer  
*Preis: 72,80 €
Lieferzeit: 10 - 14 Tage
Genre: Jazz - Swing - Dixi  
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Mood Indigo, Duke Ellington/John Clayton - Big Band
Combine the music of the legendary Duke Ellington with the contemporary arranging genius of John Clayton, and get ready to hear Mood Indigo like you've never heard it before! Written in a slow swing style, this smooth chart is written with harmonic sophistication and emotional depth. From the velvety soft passages to the powerful full band hits, this is an impressive setting. Includes solos for trombone and tenor.

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