Here, There and Everywhere, John Lennon, Paul McCartney/Mark Taylor - Big Band

Here, There and Everywhere, John Lennon, Paul McCartney/Mark Taylor - Big Band

Musiknoten Here, There and Everywhere, John Lennon, Paul McCartney/Mark Taylor - Big Band
Bestellnummer: 323224  
Kategorie:: Big Band  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 3 - Mittelschwer  
*Preis: 54,60 €
Lieferzeit: 10 - 14 Tage
Genre: Jazz - Swing - Dixi  
Anhören:    mp3 per eMail:

Here, There and Everywhere, John Lennon, Paul McCartney/Mark Taylor - Big Band
Tenor Feature - The Beatles
Beatles songs often work well in surprising settings. Mark Taylor takes this Lennon and McCartney favorite and transforms it into a swingin' jazz waltz! After a short unison riff sets up the style, the tenor soloist takes over. The brass handle the bridge followed by a written or ad lib. solo for tenor and a marvelous chorus for the full ensemble. Unique and effective!

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