Castle Gate, 1924, Tyler S. Grant

Castle Gate, 1924, Tyler S. Grant

Musiknoten Castle Gate, 1924, Tyler S. Grant
Bestellnummer: 324554  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 1 - Sehr leicht  
*Preis: 54,00 €
Lieferzeit: 5 - 14 Tage Portofrei (Inland)   
Genre: Konzertmusik  
Anhören:    mp3 per eMail:


Castle Gate, 1924, Tyler S. Grant - Blasorchester
Concert & Festival Selections
On March 8, 1924, three explosions rocked the coal mining town of Castle Gate, Utah, and claimed the lives of over 170 people. This piece tells the disastrous, now legendary story. The opening section includes three explosive rumbles (experienced from a distance). A haunting, yet adventurous theme quickly emerges, accompanied by colorful sounds from the percussion section. After slowing down for a final tragic declaration of the tragedy, the piece then picks up the tempo, closing the story and memorializing the legend of the lost souls.

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