Invincible - Part 2, Jay Dawson/Jim Reed

Invincible - Part 2, Jay Dawson/Jim Reed

Musiknoten Invincible - Part 2, Jay Dawson/Jim Reed
Bestellnummer: 328799  
Kategorie:: Marching Band  
*Preis: 121,00 €
Lieferzeit: 10 - 14 Tage
Anhören:    mp3 per eMail:

Invincible - Part 2, Jay Dawson/Jim Reed - Marching Band

Marching Band

Many emotions are explored in this centerpiece of Jay Dawson's “Invincible”. After a brief introduction for equipment change, the music displays increasing agitation. Inner strength is found in a beautiful middle section, after which the action resumes. Courage is summoned!

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