Celebration and Tribute, James Swearingen

Celebration and Tribute, James Swearingen

Musiknoten Celebration and Tribute, James Swearingen
Bestellnummer: 333423  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 3 - Mittelschwer  
*Preis: 93,90 €
Lieferzeit: 2 - 14 Tage Portofrei (Inland)   
Anhören:    mp3 per eMail:


Celebration and Tribute, James Swearingen - Blasorchester
After performing this work, you’ll want to add it to the extended list of dramatic and impactful works that composer James Swearingen has successfully created. His writing style touches upon a variety of musical emotions that are always powerful with regards to their effect on the musicians and audience alike. In addition, his ability to orchestrate will add to the ensemble’s desire to sound their absolute best. Very Impressive!

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