Galilean Moons, R.Cichy

Galilean Moons, R.Cichy

Musiknoten Galilean Moons, R.Cichy
Bestellnummer: 412277  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 6 - Extrem schwer  
Dauer: 18:00 Minuten  
*Preis: 210,00 €
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Tage Portofrei (Inland)   
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Galilean Moons, R.Cichy - Blasorchester
1. Ganymede
2. Callisto
3 Io
4. Europa
Composer Roger Cichy had not devoted his thoughts or energies to astronomy prior to composing Galilean Moons in 1996.
"I had already begun a sketch of the first movement of a multi-movement work,” Cichy writes, “when I awoke one day with the name ‘Europa’ bouncing around my head. I quickly researched the topic and uncovered the four Galilean Moons of Jupiter. “It's a bizarre coincidence that my initial sketch of the work's first movement, in progress before uncovering the subject, fit remarkably well the moon Ganymede.” Each of the four Galilean Moons is unique.
Cichy's work reflects these disparate qualities. Ganymede is an earth-like body harboring a system of continents, and much of the movement features the Neopolitan scale, which incorporates semitones on either side of tonic. Callisto is perhaps the most geographically inert body in the entire solar system and is depicted by a haunting melody, introduced by the alto flute, accompanied by crystal-like tones that suggest a cold, stark, lifeless landscape. Io, with its violent volcanism, is portrayed through the use of semitones and tri-tone figures in furioso bursts of musical energy.
The tempo/style marking, Furioso, is continuous throughout the movement. Europa is among the most mysterious of all known celestial bodies, its warm sea sandwiched between a molten core and frozen surface crust. Cichy's makes wide use of dichotomous minor/major tonalities throughout the final movement.

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