Villages, Michael Sweeney

Villages, Michael Sweeney

Musiknoten Villages, Michael Sweeney
Bestellnummer: 412504  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 4 - Schwer  
Dauer: 8:15 Minuten  
*Preis: 102,80 €
Lieferzeit: 1 - 2 Tage Portofrei (Inland)   
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Villages, Michael Sweeney - Blasorchester
Calling for the band to be divided into four separate ensembles (and spread apart if space permits), Villages explores a wide range of harmonic and rhythmic interplay between each of these musical “villages.” The opening creates a dense canopy of sound, out of which the unique identity of each group variously emerges then melts back into the texture. As the fast pace continues, melodic fragments are bounced from group to group with interjections from the percussion. A slower lyric section provides contrast before the frantic pace returns leading to the exciting conclusion. Innovative in ist conception, this stunning work will expose your students and audience to dramatically new sounds for band!

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