Walkabout - A Kaleidoscopic Journey for Band, John Brakstad

Walkabout - A Kaleidoscopic Journey for Band, John Brakstad

Musiknoten Walkabout - A Kaleidoscopic Journey for Band, John Brakstad
Bestellnummer: 414622  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 4 - Schwer  
Dauer: 13:48 Minuten  
*Preis: 141,24 €
Lieferzeit: 2 - 12 Tage Portofrei (Inland)   
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Walkabout - A Kaleidoscopic Journey for Band, John Brakstad - Blasorchester
Walkabout - A Kaleidoscopic Journey for Band
Concert Band Originals and Transcriptions
The concept of Walkabout comes originally from the Australian aborigines. A Walkabout is a journey where the goal is of less importance (even though you always end up where you started). It is the journey itself, and what you experience on the way, that is important. That could mean different moods, challenges, experiences in nature, various kinds of people, humour, joy, drama etc.
The composition «Walkabout» consists of a several miniatures and episodes which are woven together. Some of the working titles for the miniatures have been: Call of the Unknown, Walk, Nightfall, At the Lake, Panorama, The Happy Man and The Sad Man, The Clown, The Valiant, Struggle and Relief, and Return to Home.
The recurrent theme, which is heard at the beginning of the piece, symbolises the journey and the call of the unknown.

Kaleidoscopic means «Changing colours and patterns».

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