Georgia On My Mind, Cy Payne

Georgia On My Mind, Cy Payne

Musiknoten Georgia On My Mind, Cy Payne
Bestellnummer: 513401  
Kategorie:: SO/TO/Combo  
*Preis: 51,00 €
Lieferzeit: 2- 5 Tage

Georgia On My Mind, Cy Payne - SO/TO/Combo
Written over 80 years ago by Hoagy Carmichael this classic ballad, has the perfect combination of melody, harmony and lyrics to make it one of the most recorded titles ever up alongside Lennon & McCartney's "Yesterday". Cy Payne has transcribed this from the recorded version of the TV Show "An Audience With Michael Buble" in which a brilliant trumpet solo is featured. Alto, Tenor, Bari, 2 Trpts, Trom, Vocal, 4 Rhythm and full score.

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