The Hawk’s Revenge , Patrick J. Burns

The Hawk’s Revenge , Patrick J. Burns

Musiknoten The Hawk’s Revenge , Patrick J. Burns
Bestellnummer: 412255  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 1 - Sehr leicht  
Dauer: 01:55 Minuten  
*Preis: 84,00 €
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Tage Portofrei (Inland)   
Anhören:    mp3 per eMail:


The Hawk’s Revenge , Patrick J. Burns - Blasorchester
Based on an ancient Japanese song, Moko Yokocho, about an Inari shrine.
Lots of energy in this new piece from the very beginning, where young players are invited to stomp their feet. Plenty of excitement and contrast as a boisterous little melody is tossed around the band, accompanied by a variety of colorful points of light, and highly active percussion.
A treat for the young band and their audience!

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