Africata, Hilliard

Africata, Hilliard

Musiknoten Africata, Hilliard
Bestellnummer: 324923  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 1 - Sehr leicht  
*Preis: 74,25 €
Lieferzeit: 5 - 14 Tage Portofrei (Inland)   
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Africata, Hilliard - Blasorchester
World Music
Full of the rhythms and sounds of African music, this exciting overture offers an exotic flair for your next concert! Your drummers are in the spotlight, using everything from lots of auxiliary percussion to pots and pans to create a unique tonal experience. Your wind players will find the parts quite playable, and they'll love getting to jam with hand claps and hitting pencils on their music stands. An impressive and unique piece!

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