Santa Baby, Glasscock

Santa Baby, Glasscock

Musiknoten Santa Baby, Glasscock
Bestellnummer: 506907  
Kategorie:: Big Band  
*Preis: 57,98 €
Lieferzeit: ca 2. Wochen
Genre: Weihnachtsmusik  
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Santa Baby, Glasscock - Big Band
Vocal Arrangement for Big Band - Big Band mit Gesang
A cheeky and fun vocal number, originally by Eartha Kitt, though later covered by Madonna. Our arrangement draws inspiration from both, without losing any of the essence. Whilst predominantly used as a Christmas song, this chart is good in any set, any time of the year! There are some sax doubles. Altos 1&2 and the Baritone are on Clarinets throughout, with both Tenors staying on Tenor. We realise that Bari players are not famous for Clarinet skills, so we have included an extra Sax 4 part (turning the Bari into the 2nd Tenor part) so that one of your Tenor players can take the Clarinet part instead. The Alto parts are also printed double sided - with and without Clarinet doubles - to give you some playing flexibility.

* Der Notenverkauf unterliegt der Preisbindung. Aus dem Grund können wir kurzfristige Preisanpassungen leider nicht ausschließen. Wir informieren Sie rechtzeitig.


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