10-Minute Jazz Improv, Jim Mahaffey - Big Band - Nicht mehr lieferbar

10-Minute Jazz Improv, Jim Mahaffey - Big Band - Nicht mehr lieferbar

Musiknoten 10-Minute Jazz Improv, Jim Mahaffey - Big Band - Nicht mehr lieferbar
Bestellnummer: 323042  
Kategorie:: Big Band  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 4 - Schwer  
*Preis: 57,50 €
Genre: Jazz - Swing - Dixi  

10-Minute Jazz Improv, Jim Mahaffey - Big Band - Nicht mehr lieferbar - Big Band
Vol. 6: The Full Circle of Fourths
- The lesson in this final volume extends the above progression to complete chord sequence in the full circle of fourths, or root progression C-F-Bb-Eb-A-D-G (as in Autumn Leaves).

- This progression is approached as a “ii-V-I-IV” in Bb, followed by a simple “ii-V-I” in G minor, relative minor to Bb Major.

- Thus, the chord progression Cmi9-F9-BbMaj9-EbMaj9, then Ami7(b5)-D9-Gmi is formed.

- A “bridge” that includes similar changes occurs, and a return to the original set completes another AABA form in the bonus chart, A Season Departs.

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