10-Minute Jazz Improv, Jim Mahaffey - Big Band - Nicht mehr lieferbar

10-Minute Jazz Improv, Jim Mahaffey - Big Band - Nicht mehr lieferbar

Musiknoten 10-Minute Jazz Improv, Jim Mahaffey - Big Band - Nicht mehr lieferbar
Bestellnummer: 323043  
Kategorie:: Big Band  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 4 - Schwer  
*Preis: 51,80 €
Genre: Jazz - Swing - Dixi  

10-Minute Jazz Improv, Jim Mahaffey - Big Band - Nicht mehr lieferbar - Big Band
(One-Six-Two-Five) Vol. 5: The I-VI-II-V-I Progression (1 - 6 - 2 - 5)
- After mastering the ii-V-I, the minor vi chord is used to create a progression similar to “Rhythm Changes”, or I-vi-ii-V-I.

- This very important progression uses skills already discussed and learned in previous volumes, but in the above sequence, or BbMaj9-Gm9-Cm9-F9-BbMaj9. The frequently-used AABA form is introduced, and the term “bridge”, “riff”, and circle of fourths and fifths is discussed in depth.

- Secondary dominants are clearly explained and illustrated as substitutes for diatonic chords both in the bridge section and in the ii-V-I sequence.

- New chords in the iii-vi-ii-V bridge include D9-G9-C9, and F9. The “Bebop” style is used in the ABAA bonus chart called “Boppin' the Riff”

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