Alien Visitors, Margolis

Alien Visitors, Margolis

Musiknoten Alien Visitors, Margolis
Bestellnummer: 223354  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 3 - Mittelschwer  
*Preis: a. A.
Lieferzeit: Auf Anfrage
Genre: Unterhaltungsmusik  
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Alien Visitors, Margolis - Blasorchester
Your developing band will have a great time playing this three-movement work which depicts the landing of aliens from outer space. In the first movement, Arrival, we hear the starship as it approaches, growing larger and larger and louder and louder. Aliens is a character study of the space visitors, with a tempo indication of "Cautiously." The final movement, Attack, describes a vicious, mechanized attack. This is a very effective piece in performance, with many impressive effects, and is great fun to learn and play!

* Der Notenverkauf unterliegt der Preisbindung. Aus dem Grund können wir kurzfristige Preisanpassungen leider nicht ausschließen. Wir informieren Sie rechtzeitig.


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