Symphonic Variations, Jacob de Haan

Symphonic Variations, Jacob de Haan

Musiknoten Symphonic Variations, Jacob de Haan
Bestellnummer: 512865  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 5 - Sehr schwer  
Dauer: 11:19 Minuten  
*Preis: 170,99 €
Lieferzeit: 1 - 2 Tage Portofrei (Inland)   
Genre: Konzertmusik  
Aufnahme auf CD: The Wind Music of Jacob de Haan Vol. 2  

Symphonic Variations, Jacob de Haan - Blasorchester
This composition is based on a passacaglia theme, in which artistic perfection, symphonic drama and oriental melody lines play a role. The passacaglia is originally a dance made up of a series of variations above a bass line constantly present as an ostinato. It is not in this sense that the "Symphonic Variations" are in the passacaglia form but in the sense of the open form of the variations. Jacob de Haan, himself originally an organist, took his inspiration for this piece from the famous passacaglia for organ in C-minor by J.S. Bach. Following the introduction of the passacaglia theme (in the bass) the entry by the trumpets and trombones forms the majestic start to a musical adventure, in which this theme (often fragmentary) returns in variations. Then there follow two faster movements with dramatic contrasts and virtuose passages. Particularly striking here is the use of two characteristic intervals from the beginning of the theme namely the minor second and the augmented fourth. An apause in the composition comes in the slow bridge where a syncopated bourdon (perfect fifth) is constantly repeated. The tension grows in dynamics and harmony, and the oriental-flavour becomes obvious in the melody. We arrive at a faster movement via an accelerando, in which a perpetuum mobile based on the passacaglia theme is central. Finally the whole flows into a martial theme, in which the ostinato accompaniment n the descant derives from the passacaglia theme.

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