Two Cuban Dances, Alejandro García Caturla/Douglas McLain

Two Cuban Dances, Alejandro García Caturla/Douglas McLain

Musiknoten Two Cuban Dances, Alejandro García Caturla/Douglas McLain
Bestellnummer: 310986  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 4 - Schwer  
Dauer: 02:30 Minuten  
*Preis: 89,00 €
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Tage Portofrei (Inland)   
Aufnahme auf CD: Danzas Fantásticas  
Anhören:    mp3 per eMail:


Two Cuban Dances, Alejandro García Caturla/Douglas McLain - Blasorchester

Alejandro García Caturla (1906 - 1940) was a Cuban composer of art music and creolized Cuban themes. He was fascinated by creolized Afro-Cuban rhythms and these Creole themes were characteristic of his compositions: the division between art music and popular music did not influence Cuban composers of this period. His 'Two Cuban Dances' (1927), 'Danza lucumi' (Allegro Salvaje) and 'Danza del tambor (Allegro molto vivo) are expressed in E flat-minor and A-minor in 1927, fourteen years after Strawinsky's '' Sacre', seventeen years after 'Allegro barbaro' by Bartók and twenty-two years after the death of Ignácio Cervantes (1847-1905) whose 36 Cuban Dances he certainly did not ignore.
Alejandro García Caturla (1906 - 1940) was a Cuban composer of art music and creolized Cuban themes. He was fascinated by creolized Afro-Cuban rhythms and these Creole themes were characteristic of his compositions: the division between art music and popular music did not influence Cuban composers of this period. His 'Two Cuban Dances' (1927), 'Danza lucumi' (Allegro Salvaje) and 'Danza del tambor (Allegro molto vivo) are expressed in E flat-minor and A-minor in 1927, fourteen years after Strawinsky's '' Sacre', seventeen years after 'Allegro barbaro' by Bartók and twenty-two years after the death of Ignácio Cervantes (1847-1905) whose 36 Cuban Dances he certainly did not ignore.

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