The most beautiful Songs ever

The most beautiful Songs ever

Musiknoten The most beautiful Songs ever
Bestellnummer: 510206  
Kategorie:: Ensemble  
*Preis: 35,70 €
Lieferzeit: Auf Anfrage

The most beautiful Songs ever - Ensemble
Piano, Vocal and Guitar
A huge anthology that features no less than 150 of the most beautiful themes and melodies ever! Whether it is a nostalgic pop classic, a tear-jerking romantic ballad, a tragic showtune or a silky smooth Jazz standard, some musical moments just shine above all others. Some melodies instantly raise the hairs on the back of the neck and some lyrics seem to capture a magic that no other songs can... this bumper book of tunes has them all! Arranged for Piano with Vocal lines, full lyrics and guitar chords, you'll find all those songs you've dreamed of playing since the first day you heard them. From Andrew Lloyd Webber to Elton John, Rodgers and Hammerstein to The Beatles, they're all here for you to enjoy again and again.

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