White Rabbit, Tom Wallace - Marching Band

White Rabbit, Tom Wallace - Marching Band

Musiknoten White Rabbit, Tom Wallace - Marching Band
Bestellnummer: 342230  
Kategorie:: Marching Band  
*Preis: 97,40 €
Lieferzeit: 10 - 14 Tage
Anhören:    mp3 per eMail:

White Rabbit was a key piece of the culture during the 1969 summer of love, and like the song, this arrangement captures the mystical, cosmic feeling of the day. Magical sounds emanate from the percussion ensemble and lead to an ethereal statement of the melody, slowly building to an anticipated climax. The percussion ensemble is spotlighted in an extended feature, revealing clever and creative percussion writing. A seamless segue leads to a intense recap of the material and concludes with a scintillating ending.

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In manchen Fällen ist das Video nur ein Beispiel oder eine Inspiration für die Komposition.


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