7 Deadly Sins, Jan Bosveld

7 Deadly Sins, Jan Bosveld

Musiknoten 7 Deadly Sins, Jan Bosveld
Bestellnummer: 345188  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 5 - Sehr schwer  
Dauer: 17:00 Minuten  
*Preis: 275,00 €
Lieferzeit: Auf Anfrage Portofrei (Inland)   
Anhören:    mp3 per eMail:


A deadly sin is a term mainly used in the Catholic Church. This includes seven sins which are the basis of many other sins. They were drawn up as a list in the 6th century by Pope Gregory I, but were already recorded in the 4th century by the clergy.
The seven deadly sins: Superbia (pride-pride goeth before destruction-vanity) Luxuria (lust-lust-lust) Avaritia (greed-avarice) Ira (anger-anger-revenge-indignation) Invidia (envy-jealousy-envy) Acedia (indolence-inertia-laziness-laziness) Gula (intemperance-gluttony-gluttony) Superbia is the Latin name for pride or vanity. It is considered the worst of the seven sins and also the first: all other sins are the result of superbia. With superbia a person’s desire is to be more important or more attractive. Related; Narcissism, the love for himself, falls below. The most famous story about vanity is that of the angel Lucifer. Vanity caused his departure from heaven and his transformation into Satan.
But, "who is without sin cast the first stone". This Bible quote indicates that a life without sin is not possible. In fact, one could argue that sin makes life attractive, adds colour. Especially when repentance is shown after the sin.
This tension is the inspiration for the composition "Seven Deadly Sins". The sins are described musically, in order, in all their reprehensible and attractive facets. The last part, based on the main motif of Superbia, reflects the well-known saying; "Repentance comes after the sin".
Seven Deadly Sins is dedicated to wind Orchestra St. Caecilia Lieshout where Jan Bosveld has been the conductor since 2009.

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