Highland Celebration, Alan Lee Silva

Highland Celebration, Alan Lee Silva

Musiknoten Highland Celebration, Alan Lee Silva
Bestellnummer: 411936  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 3 - Mittelschwer  
Dauer: 3:36 Minuten  
*Preis: 96,90 €
Lieferzeit: 2 - 10 Tage Portofrei (Inland)   
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Highland Celebration, Alan Lee Silva - Blasorchester
Written with the lilt and flavor of the Scottish Highlands, this original Alan Lee Silva piece is a joyous new addition to the concert band repertoire. The pulsing 6/8 rhythms are contrasted by momentary feelings of 3/4, as the melody floats over punctuated harmonies. This piece contains contrast, with a slower middle section featuring a divine flute melody, accompanied by the sound of “bagpipe” drones in the other voices. This grand Scottish-style melody develops to a climax before the wistful return of the main theme, and an up-tempo coda completes the piece.

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