Kum Ba Ya, Curnow - Nicht mehr lieferbar

Kum Ba Ya, Curnow - Nicht mehr lieferbar

Musiknoten Kum Ba Ya, Curnow - Nicht mehr lieferbar
Bestellnummer: 213246  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 2 - Leicht  
*Preis: 55,95 €

Kum Ba Ya, Curnow - Nicht mehr lieferbar - Blasorchester
Level: 2.5

Kum Ba Yah, one of America's best-loved folk songs, is sung in places of worship, around campfires and at social gatherings all over the world. This bright and happy arrangement makes use of African percussion and rhythm underneath velvety-smooth chords and flowing lines. It can also be enhanced by the use of an optional electric bass part.

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