The Awakening, Brian Balmages

The Awakening, Brian Balmages

Musiknoten The Awakening, Brian Balmages
Bestellnummer: 324536  
Kategorie:: Blasorchester  
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 5 - Sehr schwer  
*Preis: 94,50 €
Lieferzeit: 5 - 14 Tage Portofrei (Inland)   
Genre: Konzertmusik  
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The Awakening, Brian Balmages - Blasorchester
Concert & Festival Selections
This captivating composition was inspired by that "breakthrough" moment when people start to realize there is much more to life than they originally thought. Opening with a woodwind ostinato, the horns introduce the melody that becomes the focus of the work. The pace continues through a beautiful lyrical section that soon explodes into a triumphant ending of brass under a flourishing woodwind ostinato. An ideal concert opener.

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